Sunday Services Worship @ 10:00 a.m. Connect Groups @ 11:30 a.m.
Sunday ServicesWorship @ 10:00 a.m.Connect Groups @ 11:30 a.m.


Fisher's Peak Community Church is a fellowship of Jesus-followers who know we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. We choose to engage in worshipping God, studying the Bible, growing spiritually, enjoying each other's fellowship, and serving our community together. Please come fellowship with us!


Please call the church office for more information.

- New Announcements

Prayer Meetings: No current prayer meetings are scheduled during Men's and Women's Bible Studies. If interested, please get in touch with Pastor Bruce.


Colorado Missions Offering: We support Nicy Murphy and our goal this year is $824.24. If making an offering specific to this mission, use an envelope to note this and/or include that on the check memo.


Falloween Jesus Festival: October 31st - 5-7 pm. We need volunteers to run games and you can also donate candy. POC Kyla.


Women's Fall Bible Study. This year we are doing the 7-week study by Kristi McLelland "Luke in the Land: Walking with Jesus in His First Century World." We will be starting the week of September 30th, with two options to meet: Mondays at 10 am and Wednesdays at 6 pm. Books are $25 and come with online access to the videos.


Men's Fall Bible Study: This year the men will be studying the Advanced Grace Disciple Course. The study starts the week of September 30th, with two options to meet: Mondays at 10 am and Wednesdays at 6 pm. Books are $15 each.


Operation Christmas Child: We still need boys clothes (especially for ages 5 – 9) as well as toys, games and stuffed animals.  Volunteers are also needed to help prepare items for the boxes and help with various tasks during the party, which is scheduled for Sunday, November 11.

- Ongoing

Prayer meeting schedule 

To be determined for the fall.

College Group:

To be determined for the fall.

Chapel services for Holy Trinity Academy: 

2nd and 4th Fridays, 8-9am during the school year. 

Fellowship Meal: 

3rd Sunday of every month.

Genesis Bible Study: Monday evenings @ 6pm @ FPCC.  Books provided at no cost. POCs Harvey and Monica.

Non-perishable Food Donations: Foods go to the local Food Bank and Fort Wooten, Container for food is in the foyer.

Operation Christmas Child: Operation Christmas Child: Thank you for spreading the Gospel throughout the world by giving your change toward the cost of shipping our 2024 OCC shoeboxes—“change” changing lives. Want to help out with the shipping cost for next year’s shoeboxes? Ask Jean for a Green Change Container.  

Samaritan's Clinic:

Non-emergency health care for the uninsured/ under-insured, 

1st & 3rd Tuesday each month9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. 

413 E. Frost, 719-846-3536

Contact Us:

Fisher's Peak

Community Church

10377 Santa Fe Trail

Trinidad, CO 81082




We cooperate with the Royal Gorge Baptist Association of churches as well as the Colorado Baptist Convention.

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© Fisher's Peak Community Church