Fisher's Peak Community Church is a fellowship of Jesus-followers who know we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. We choose to engage in worshipping God, studying the Bible, growing spiritually, enjoying each other's fellowship, and serving our community together. Please come fellowship with us!
Please call the church office for more information.
PRAYER MEETINGS. February 12th at 5:31 pm in the Fellowship Hall and February 19th at 6 pm at June Stephen's home.
FEBRUARY FELLOWSHIP MEAL. February 15th at 11:30 am. The theme is Soup and Sandwiches. No Connect Groups. Following the meal, we will have our White Elephant Gift Exchange.
2025 ANNUAL BEAST FEAST ON 2.22. BBQ Meal, door prizes, live music. Doors open at 4 pm, dinner at 5 pm. Special Speaker is Air Force Wrestling Coach Mike McArthur. Cost is $25.
At around 1:00 pm, we will be playing games, fellowshiping and eating lunch together.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2025. Scheduled for June 9-13. The theme is "Magnified - Discovering the Bigness of God in the smallest of things." Contact is Nancy W.
Chapel services for Holy Trinity Academy:
2nd and 4th Fridays, 8-9am during the school year.
Fellowship Meal:
3rd Sunday of every month.
Non-perishable Food Donations: Foods go to the local Food Bank and Fort Wooten, Container for food is in the foyer.
Operation Christmas Child: Operation Christmas Child: Thank you for spreading the Gospel throughout the world by giving your change toward the cost of shipping our 2025 OCC shoeboxes—“change” changing lives. Want to help out with the shipping cost for next year’s shoeboxes? Ask Jean for a Green Change Container.
Samaritan's Clinic:
Non-emergency health care for the uninsured/ under-insured,
1st & 3rd Tuesday each month, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
413 E. Frost, 719-846-3536,